Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tunesday // Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan, a musician, singer-songwriter, artist and writer. This American legend has been a influential figure in music and culture for more than 5 decades. His lyrics changed the world, as he wrote about social unrest, and anti-war movements. His music brought people together, and helped shape America's counterculture as we know it.

From what I have noticed you either love Bob Dylan, or you can't stand Bob Dylan. Lucky for me I grew up in a high school that just about worshiped him. Every school year we had "Dylan Day". A day where the entire school would gather in the library, sit on the floor, and take turns singing his infamous tunes. It really was one of the most memorable days of the year for me. It was almost required that every English teacher had to take their class to the library for this occasion...and if the teachers didn't bring you, it was almost certain students would skip class to be a part of the circle. One thing I will never forget, is Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Craig was the government teacher who was the most kind southern woman I have ever met. Every year she would take a student from her class, and serenade them to Dylan's "I'll Be Your Baby Tonight'. I can't help but think of her every time I hear this song, as I'm sure most student's do. Even the Golf Coach/English Teacher, would play his guitar the entire day along with his harmonica. Students were even encouraged to get up and sing their own rendition of Dylan's songs. It was truly a beautiful day, where everyone came together to sing. No judgement. No drama. Just music. 

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