Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Calling in the New Year - Journal Prompts

I always like to set intentions for the upcoming year. Most of the time I attend an intention setting workshop or course, however this year I was craving something a little more cozy (aka writing in my journal with stretchy pants on, make up free, and plenty of time to dream up the next 12 months) That being said, I thought it may be helpful to share some questions I am asking myself in order to prepare for 2020, and manifest my deepest desires. 

I originally shared these on Instagram, so if the graphics are a little blurry, I apologize. They are more clear when you click the pictures individually.  

Next up, the MANIFESTING PORTION. Answer the questions below that are written in bold. Over the years, I have picked up a few things that I found have really strengthened my practice of manifesting/journaling so feel free to read the tips below. I also want to mention, I in no way claim to be a profesh manifester, but I do get joy from this process so I thought I would share.

What do I want to manifest, bring into my life, in the year 2020? 

Write these down in your journal, or on a piece of paper. The power of pen to paper is truly magical, as your subconscious is getting programmed to your deepest desires.

When writing these make sure to use the “I am” statement. For example, if you are wanting to call in a new job with a raise, you could write... “I am ready to start a new job in the wellness field, that provides me with community, connection and $5,000 a month.” The more specific the better. Include numbers, months, etc. 

Another helpful tip. Avoid the words “no”, “not” and “don’t”. It is said that the Universe can’t hear these words. So instead of saying “I don’t want to work at my job anymore” write down “I am ready to work in a new industry that provides me with financial stability, community, and aligns with my values”

Sit for 5 minutes, and imagine receiving EVERYTHING you manifested. 

For instance, if you manifested a raise at work, close your eyes, and imagine how that would feel. Would you feel less stressed? How would it feel to pay off student loans? How would these manifestations make your life easier? How would it change your relationships? Etc. 

After your meditation, keep your eyes closed, and bring your hands to heart center with your palms touching. Bow your head, and express gratitude, however that may look for you. You can say thank you, you can chant a few OM’s you can do whatever feels natural to you. Trust the Universe hears you, and let go of the need to control how these manifestations will come into your life.

After writing down what you want to manifest, there are a few options. 

Option A: You can take this piece of paper you wrote on and send it out to the universe by burning it outdoors in a safe environment.

Option BOR you can fold up the piece of paper, and keep it somewhere safe. I always like to refer to my intentions in a few months time or even years. Believe it or not, I used this method when I was single and no joke manifested my precious, Maxwell. Never underestimate the power of YOU, and your relationship to the Universe.

Last but not least, create a vision board!

I like to create vision boards throughout the year, as I am a very visual person. Get on pinterest, or do the old school method with a pair of scissors and some magazines, and copy & paste images that are aligned to your dreams. For example, if you are wanting to buy a house in the year of 2020, find a picture of a house that really resonates with you. That way each time you see the house, you FEEL the excitement, and joys of owning a house. 

Here are a few examples of my vision boards that I made for our wedding!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Moon Cycle Meditation Challenge

Ladies & Gentleman, it's been a minute since my last post, but I'm back in action with some wonderful content... or at least I think it's wonderful.

As some of you may know, I completed my Yoga Teacher Training in November of 2018 and it opened up an entirely new world to me. A world of connection, of spirituality and community. Through this community, I have had the pleasure of working with Kris Jones of @FindYourHealing.

Kris put together an AWESOME Moon Meditation Challenge, and asked if Little Pieces of Hope wanted to be a part of it. Funny enough, I have just started re-connecting with meditation as my body has been craving the feeling of grounding and slowing down. So as you can imagine, when Kris told me about this challenge I immediately hopped on board as I think it was the Universe nudging me to continue on with my new morning routine of focusing on my breath and grounding down.

Meditation has SO many unbelievable benefits. It brings me clarity. It brings me connection. It brings me peace. The list can seriously go on, and on. However if you're meditation curious and more interested with the scientific/biological benefits of meditation, check out this post of mine from a few years back.

Alrighty, so here is more information regarding this Moon Cycle Meditation Challenge.

For a full moon cycle (28 days) we are hosting a meditation challenge, beginning February 4th, and ending March 5th. 

Most people we know struggle keeping up a consistent meditation practice, when it's in truly our lifeblood. So this is our space to keep each other accountable with a chance to win some prizes at the end of this challenge from ethical, uplifting brands & healers. 




1. Like & Repost this post (it can be in your social media story or feed)

2. Sit in meditation connecting with, and honoring the current phase of the moon every day of this upcoming moon cycle

3. Write a Post of any size, of your daily experiences and tag all hosts + sponsors

5. Must use hashtags #MoonCycleMeditation, #MoonCycleMeditationChallenge

6. Follow all of the guidelines above & you will be entered to win

-A Mala from Malas with a Mission
-A Palo Santo Bundle & Crystal Infused Essential Oil blend from Little Pieces of Hope
- 30 Minute Reading using the Moon Deck with Kris from Find Your Healing

   Photo found on Pinterest          
If social media isn't really your thing, I still invite you to follow along with our challenge. You won't be eligible for the prizes, however I would love to see how you meditate, or connect on a daily basis. You can send me a DM privately or just post a quick snapshot on your story. Either way, we all would love for you to join, and raise the Universal Vibration 

Last thing, if you have no idea behind the symbolism of each moon phase...which let's be real, I don't really either, here is a quick "cheat sheet" I found here, to explain some of the affirmations that are linked with the different phases of La Luna.